lunes, 18 de agosto de 2008

About Me …

Hello, everybody! My name is Patricia Elgueta Cortés, I’m a twenty two-year-old woman and I’ve been studying for four hard years to become a teacher of English as a foreign language at Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). The truth? I’m not very keen on this multimedia web sites, so, I’ll do my best to make it entertaining for you (:P). To be super sincere, I don’t li
ke this kind of personal information web sites, since I think you have to have a loooot of free time, or to be super bored to spend time making up those things. Anyways, this is my personal blog, so ... enjoy it!!!

domingo, 17 de agosto de 2008

Books ...

The books I most like are suuuper diverse, since I like reading everything I find at home, even El Mercurio newspaper, on Sundays! (though its comfy size) ... For you to have an idea of the books I most enjoy, some of them are:

Crime and Punishment(by Fyodor Dostoevsky)

Roots(by Alex Haley) and

The Little Prince (by Antoine de Saint Exupery) ... Diverse, aren’t they?

Music ...

I like black music, in general, for example: soul, jazz, reggae, and some instrumental music too ... One of my favourite songs is called “War”, sung by Bob Marley many years ago, but I also love this version, beautilfully performed by Sinnead O’Connor ...

War (Bob Marley)

Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
And another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned -
Everywhere is war -
Me say war.

That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a mans skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war.

That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race -
Dis a war.

That until that day
The dream of lasting peace,
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never attained -
Now everywhere is war - war.

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
That hold our brothers in angola,
In mozambique,
South africa
Sub-human bondage
Have been toppled,
Utterly destroyed -
Well, everywhere is war -
Me say war.

War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south -
War - war -
Rumours of war.
And until that day,
The african continent
Will not know peace,
We africans will fight - we find it necessary -
And we know we shall win
As we are confident
In the victory

Of good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!

About My Family ...

My family is very typical, considering current families, Why? Because I’m an only child and my parents got divorced many years ago. Advantages? Of course! I have two houses, if I don’t have any money, any of them helps me. Disadvantages? Plenty of them, but I’m not going to write about too personal information here ... I’m sorry, voyeurs (hahah) ... So, if you want to know my mom, have a look at the picture below ... and the nice old woman is my grandma, who brought me up when I was a child ...

The next picture is of my dad and I, when I was a little baby ...